UQ SmartCampus

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Daily UV Index

UV Index Trends

About the UV Index

UQ SmartCampus

About the Sign

Working in collaboration with the Cancer Council, UQ has installed a sign close to the busy UQ lakes bus station. The sign contains a UV sensor and updates its display based on the current UV index. The sign is connected to the internet via long range wide area network (LoRaWAN) technology.

The UV index sign

UV index data measured by the UV sensor is transmitted to the internet and stored in a database which is used for research and to display UV index trends on a publicly available website.

Queensland is the cancer capital of the world. The aim of the sign is to inform any visitors to UQ of the current sun exposure risk in the hope that they use this information to make more sun-safe decisions.

Satellite view of sign location (red dot)

This project was undertaken by UQ ITEE student James Cooney under the supervision of Dr Alex Pudmenzky.
